Saturday, October 21, 2017

Polaris VulnerabilityDB Update

Updated VunlerabilityDB is available at GitHub. This update includes the recent Oracle critical patch update advisory. Oracle announced several vulnerabilities in Java, the following SQL extract details of these vulnerabilities from the database.

select c.doc_type, c.doc_init_rel_date, vp.vul_status, 
          p.prod_name, vul_cve 
     from pa_cvrf_doc c, pa_cvrf_vul v, pa_cvrf_vul_product vp, 
          pa_cvrf_product p 
     where c.cvrf_id=v.cvrf_id 
     and v.vul_id=vp.vul_id 
     and vp.prod_id=p.prod_id 
     and prod_name like '%Java%'
     and c.cvrf_id=3357

The output can be formatted for reporting as follow:

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